Dock Toolkit 1

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Social Value

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Σαμοθράκη συμμετοχικός σχεδιασμός

Handbook on participatory planning for small islands

This publication presents a project that was implemented in Samothrace (January-December 2021), in order to contribute to the democratic activation of the local community and to support the co-planning of a proposal for the island's future.
Συμμετοχικός Δημοτικός Προϋπολογισμός εξώφυλλο νέο

Participatory Municipal Budget

A collective study that includes basic concepts on the subject, presentation of international and Greek experience, information on the institutional framework, tips etc.
Συνεταιριστική νομοθεσία εξώφυλλο

The Greek cooperative law. From fragmentation to unification

This publication analyses and compares the provisions of each law for the different categories of cooperatives and presents certain proposals for a new legal framework aimed at unifying Greek cooperative law, as urgently recommended by international and European Organisations and Cooperative Associations.

The legal framework of Social Solidarity Economy in Greece

What processes led to the formation of the new institutional framework for the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Greece? What did stakeholders and collectives say during the public consultation process? What is finally in place today? What failures can be identified in the law? Is there room for the co-design of public policies for SSE in Greece?
Χάνοντας χρόνο zine cover

Losing time – The zine

This is a small handmade publication, a zine, that frames and expands through words, colours and images the podcast series "Losing Time", about time, work and their entanglements. It is a mosaic composed of extracts from the podcasts, texts written in digital notebooks by listeners and material created in the context of two workshops in Athens and Thessaloniki in the spring of 2023. This publication is a creative reformulation of all the above material.
Διερευνώντας τη συνεργατική κατοικία στην Ελλάδα

Looking into the cooperative residence in Greece

What are the cooperative residences? What is collective ownership? How do these ideas address our current housing problems? How can we initiate such a project in Greece? What are the challenges and what resources are available? What are the examples from other countries that could inspire us? These are some of the questions that this collection of information material, guides, and inquiries about housing cooperation in Greece aim to answer. 
Το στεγαστικό παράδοξο Δήμος Νάουσας

The housing paradox in small Greek municipalities

This study, a collaboration between the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office - Greece and the HARTA research group, investigates issues related to housing and among other things brings to light the overlooked issue of homelessness in small towns.
Cover page alternative narratives

Composing Visionary Narrations for the Social-Ecological Transformation

The digital edited volume titled “Composing Visionary Narrations for the Social-Ecological Transformation” compiles the edited versions of the presentations given by the participants during two workshops co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation - Thessaloniki Office and the Transdisciplinary Institute for Environmental and Social Studies [TIESS] in Thessaloniki. The workshops focused on the topics of Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons, as well as Degrowth and the Universal Basic Income.
Βιώσιμη αστική ανάπτυξη. Ποιος ο ρόλος των πολιτών;

Sustainable urban development. What role do citizens play?

The Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (SUD strategies) is a major EU project that aims to transform and improve European cities so that they can respond to the various challenges they face. What does the SUD strategies include? How are they developed? What are the specific provisions for the cities of the Region of Central Macedonia? And to what extent have they succeeded in involving citizens?

Guide for the Creation of Social Enterprises

The Guide for the Creation of Social Enterprises aspires to fill a gap in information about the nature of a social cooperative enterprise and offer information for the practical problems that face those interested in the creation of social enterprises. 
Συμμετοχικός Σχεδιασμός cover

Participatory planning: City, environment, and climate change

This edited volume is a document of the conference of the same name organised by the Commonspace workers’ cooperative in November 2021 – one of the first focusing on participatory planning. It contains the invited speakers’ and others’ contributions, and its six chapters reflect the contemporary debate on Participatory Planning processes in different fields and scales, both in Greece and abroad.
In defence of defenders Italian

In difesa dei Difensori

This publication is a practical guide created by the Border Violence Monitoring Network and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office, in order to support human rights defenders by showing them mechanisms and avenues for help and self-defence in cases of criminalisation – something that is unfortunately becoming increasingly common in Europe and especially in areas receiving refugees and migrants. After English, Greek and BHS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian), it is now also published in Italian by our Paris Office, including a section specifically on the reality in Italy.
Report on energy community Poland cover

Power to the People

This paper presents key elements of both the legal framework and lessons learnt from the community energy initiative’s actions in Greece, Serbia, Poland and Bulgaria. The report is a summary with the main findings from a relevant workshop organised in the meantime of the Community Energy Spring Gathering that both took place in Athens on 8-10 of May 2023.
Who guards the guards cover

Who guards the guards?

This legal opinion written by the non-profit organization front-LEX elaborates on the accountability of Frontex under EU law for ongoing violations of the fundamental rights of asylum seekers, committed in relation to its activities in Greek waters.
EU statecraft in the age of permacrisis

EU statecraft in the age of permacrisis

The purpose of this working paper is twofold. First, to suggest and examine how the EU can enhance its security and its global role, without diverting its focus to the remilitarization of European politics. Second, to examine how, in the age of permacrisis, deliberative and discursive processes should be at the heart of EU public diplomacy.
Green foreign policy snapshots

Green Foreign Policy Snapshots

Green foreign policy, lacking an agreed upon definition, is often misquoted and misinterpreted, narrowed down to only protecting the natural environment. In this preliminary study conducted in 2022, we attempted to see beyond scattered political opinion by analysing data. Partial or complete, a green foreign policy doctrine may be an eventuality based on these initial findings.

U odbranu branitelja i braniteljica

Our publication "In defence of defenders", authored by Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN),  is a practical guide that aims to support human rights defenders and provide practical solutions to the increasing targeting of them. After English and Greek, this useful toolkit is now also available in BCS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian), covering a large part of the Western Balkans and people active in the region.
10 χρόνια Ίδρυμα Χάινριχ Μπελ

10 years of Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Thessaloniki

In June 2012, the Heinrich Böll Foundation established its office in Thessaloniki and in June 2022 completed 10 years of presence in Greece. Now we present this rich ten-year journey in an anniversary publication, which includes highlights from the hundreds of events and activities that have taken place. Through this bilingual publication, the reader will be able to get a full picture of our actions and interventions, to better understand what a political foundation is, but also to get to know the quests of contemporary political ecology and the effort to come together with the quests of Greek society itself.
Media & Migration e-paper Turkey cover

Media representation of refugees and migrants in Turkey

In this study, a unique monitoring framework combining quantitative and qualitative media content analysis methods has been designed and implemented, in order to illustrate the main representation trends in the reporting of migration-related topics by various media organizations in Turkey.
Access denied

Access denied: Secrecy and the externalisation of EU migration control

For at least three decades, the EU and its Member States have engaged in a process of “externalisation” – a policy agenda by which the EU seeks to prevent migrants and refugees setting foot on EU territory by externalising (that is, outsourcing) border controls to non-EU states. The EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum, published in September 2020, proposed a raft of measures seeking to step up operational cooperation and collaboration in order to further this agenda.
Political party representation

Political party representation of anti-immigration attitudes: The case of Turkey

Immigration policy has become Turkey’s most heated topic of debate. While the country has accepted a massive influx of refugees in the last decade, the issue has become more salient in the last two years due to the electorate’s increasing anti-immigrant sentiment. No picture regarding immigration would be complete without mentioning the rise of anti-immigrant political parties.
Turkey's Asylum Law and Policies

Turkey’s Asylum Law and Policies

This report provides a comprehensive review of Turkish asylum laws and policies, in particular those concerning temporary protection, international protection, refugee status determination, deportation and detention.
The social impact of EC in Greece

The social impact of energy communities in Greece

This report presents the impact of energy communities at a time when citizen participation in the energy transition and energy democracy emerge as particularly important issues. The report aims to inspire and inform citizens and institutions so as to deepen their understanding of the special characteristics of energy communities and take initiative in creating and supporting them.
Actually European

Actually European!? 2023

The fifth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? Analyzes how German citizens assess their country’s role in the EU and what they expect from their government.
In defence of defenders

In defence of defenders

Migration as well as supporting people in flight is increasingly treated as a criminal act in Europe. This toolkit, created by Border Violence Monitoring Network and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Thessaloniki, seeks to support affected Human Rights Defenders by showing them mechanisms and avenues for help and self-defence in cases of criminalisation at various levels.
Without voice: People on the move

Without voice: People on the move

This study aims to observe the range of different representations of people on the move in the media coverage in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia between 2015 and 2021.
Cover of the analysis

"Clean" Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU

Well-designed energy bills are a key tool for consumers in the energy transition. The analysis “‘Clean’ Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU; a subject to an examination” aims at registering the content, structure, and format of the electricity bills in EU27, and examine their contribution to consumers’ empowerment to play an active role in the clean energy transition.
More (about) Borders...

More (about) Borders, less (about) Humans

This study examines the coverage of migration and asylum seeking in eight Greek media outlets (Efsyn, Ta Nea, I Kathimerini, Proto Thema, Eleftheros Typos, Makeleio, i-efimerida and zougla) between September and November 2021 using a quantitative content analysis.
Feminist perspectives urbanisation

Feminist perspectives on gender-just and sustainable urban development

Urbanisation is a defining characteristic of life across the globe in the 21st century. Cities, in particular megacities and metropolises, offer many opportunities for different types of people to forge a livelihood and lead a fulfilling social life. The diverse options are taken up in particular by women and people who renounce traditional, binary gender roles and norms and are thus often subject to various kinds of discrimination.
E-paper EU-Turkey agreement.jpg

Beyond the Crisis Mode of the EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement

This policy paper assesses the effects of the EU Turkey Refugee Agreement for Greece, Turkey and the European Union. It provides an overview of the 2015 context and the development of the agreement and analyses its repercussions in the region as well as for the EU as a whole. It concludes that the EU needs a strong alternative to the current agreement with Turkey, which is rights-based and sustainable.
A local turn for European Refugee Politics cover

A Local Turn for European Refugee Politics

In this policy paper “A Local Turn for European Refugee Politics” the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung puts forward proposals for a more active role of the municipalities in refugee and asylum policy.

Pathways out of the Crisis

PUBLICATION (available only in Greek)
The present publication comes to highlight the ecosystem of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) through the eyes of the people involved in the projects. It is based on the so far unique nationwide research on SSE initiatives, conducted in 2016 and 2017. Although at first glance this publication may seem out of place in 2021, we believe that it can provide a benchmark for both the present and the future of SSE, a field that is flourishing under diverse and volatile circumstances.
Anti-Semitism in Greece Today - Cover 2019

Anti-Semitism in Greece Today (Second Edition)

Examining the anti-Semitism phenomenon in Greece in the 21st century is based on the observation that post-Auschwitz anti-Semitism has not been eradicated neither in Greece nor in the rest of Europe, but is instead rising as evidence from recent studies show.
Cover of Energy Poverty 2.0 policy paper in English

Energy poverty in Greece 2.0

Millions of households in EU countries live in energy poverty. This phenomenon has adverse effects on both their health and their well-being, while also affecting social cohesion and the environment. The current publication is an update of the Heinrich Boell Foundation study published in 2017, it includes the impact of the latest political developments in Greece and the rest of Europe, as well as the results of an opinion poll on Greek citizens' awareness of the issue.
cover page Bulidng Energy Communities

Building Energy Communities

Law 4513/2018 aspires to combine Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and the energy sector and introduces a new type of civil cooperative of exclusive purpose, the Energy Community (EC). ECs constitute an important  tool  for achieving fair energy transition in the country.  This guide clarifies the framework in which ECs operate, their role in a fair energy transition while providing both theoretical and practical information for their development.

Legally Combatting Gender-based Discrimination in Greece

This study reflects and evaluates the current institutional framework for combatting gender discrimination in Greece by focusing on the laws voted by the Parlement in recent years concerning the protection of the rights of victims of gender violence, especially women, as well as the basic rights of the LGBTQI+ community where Greece lagged far behind other European countries.

Anti-Semitism in Greece Today

Examining the anti-Semitism phenomenon in Greece in the 21st century is based on the observation that post-Auschwitz anti-Semitism has not been eradicated neither in Greece nor in the rest of Europe, but is instead rising as evidence from recent studies show.

Lignite in the Greek Energy System

Overview of Lignite in Greek energy system, data and challenges for the transition to a post-lignite era and the utilising of the wealth of renewable sources in the country.

Racism and Discrimination in Greece Today

This report has been initiated by the rise of extremist right political parties and movements of various guises in Greece and in other EU member states, which has been recorded after the European Parliament elections in May 2014. Although there are undisputed differences among parties and movements characterised today as “extremist right”, at least in regard to their political discourse and their practices, their common denominator, on which they can be compared, is the total adherence and reproduction of the ideology of inequality – or better yet, of inequity- of people, and hence the discrediting and rejection of their difference.

Sustainability and Culture

The international conference "Sustainability and Culture: Sustainable Cultural Management" took place on 19 and 20 April 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece and was organised by the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Greece and the European theatre network Mitos21. The conference was intended to shed light on yet another aspect of a very fertile perception of contemporary reality; sustainability.

Drehscheibe Agadez

Die Hoffnung, in Libyen, Algerien oder Europa bessere Lebensbedingungen zu finden, treibt jede Woche mehrere tausend Menschen nach Agadez, Wüstenstadt im Niger und aktuelles Drehkreuz der westafrikanischen Migration. Agadez lebt davon.

Hotspot Lesbos

Der Hotspot Moria auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos hat eine Aufnahmekapazität für 700 Personen, ist aber tatsächlich mit rund 3.500 Personen belegt. Die hier Angekommenen bleiben in der Regel zwischen 25 Tagen und zwei Monaten.

Die zentrale Mittelmeerroute

Das Mittelmeer ist zum Massengrab geworden: Bis Ende Juli 2016 sind 3000 Menschen ertrunken, im Durchschnitt 14 pro Tag. Die Mehrheit von ihnen starb auf dem Weg von Libyen nach Italien, der weltweit gefährlichsten Fluchtroute.


Here you will find our publications which are available in PDF. To order copies please contact us.

Heinrich Böll Foundation in Greece
3 Aristotle, 54624, Thessaloniki
T +30 2310 282829
F +30 2310 282832

We wish you a pleasant reading!