PUBLICATION (available only in Greek)

Pathways out of the Crisis

The Greek Solidarity and Cooperative Initiatives in 2016-17

The present publication comes to highlight the ecosystem of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) through the eyes of the people involved in the projects. It is based on the so far unique nationwide research on SSE initiatives, conducted in 2016 and 2017. Although at first glance this publication may seem out of place in 2021, we believe that it can provide a benchmark for both the present and the future of SSE, a field that is flourishing under diverse and volatile circumstances. We hope that this study will provide a basis for further discussions around the profiles and motivations of the individuals involved, the ways in which projects operate, and the relationship of SSE sector with political developments, social movements and the state. Besides, as the authors note, "the research demonstrates that there is a significant core of people who believe in the permanence of these practices as well as their transformative potential. However, it is a matter of many, whether the wishful thinking of social change in a more interdependent and collaborative direction will be the answer to the multiple and nested crises and dead-ends of the present."

Product details
Date of Publication
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Thessaloniki Office - Greece
Number of Pages
Language of publication