International congress

Shipwrecked. Rethinking migration and asylum in Europe

24-25 June 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece

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Urban–rural divide

Through this dossier, which will be constantly updated, we are launching a public debate on a serious, yet overlooked, issue

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10 χρόνια Ίδρυμα Χάινριχ Μπελ

10 years of Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Thessaloniki

In June 2012, the Heinrich Böll Foundation established its office in Thessaloniki and in June 2022 completed 10 years of presence in Greece. Now we present this rich ten-year journey in an anniversary publication, which includes highlights from the hundreds of events and activities that have taken place. Through this bilingual publication, the reader will be able to get a full picture of our actions and interventions, to better understand what a political foundation is, but also to get to know the quests of contemporary political ecology and the effort to come together with the quests of Greek society itself.
Συμμετοχικός Σχεδιασμός cover

Participatory planning: City, environment, and climate change

This edited volume is a document of the conference of the same name organised by the Commonspace workers’ cooperative in November 2021 – one of the first focusing on participatory planning. It contains the invited speakers’ and others’ contributions, and its six chapters reflect the contemporary debate on Participatory Planning processes in different fields and scales, both in Greece and abroad.
In defence of defenders Italian

In difesa dei Difensori

This publication is a practical guide created by the Border Violence Monitoring Network and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office, in order to support human rights defenders by showing them mechanisms and avenues for help and self-defence in cases of criminalisation – something that is unfortunately becoming increasingly common in Europe and especially in areas receiving refugees and migrants. After English, Greek and BHS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian), it is now also published in Italian by our Paris Office, including a section specifically on the reality in Italy.
The social impact of EC in Greece

The social impact of energy communities in Greece

This report presents the impact of energy communities at a time when citizen participation in the energy transition and energy democracy emerge as particularly important issues. The report aims to inspire and inform citizens and institutions so as to deepen their understanding of the special characteristics of energy communities and take initiative in creating and supporting them.

About the Foundation


Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki

3 Aristotelous St., 54624 Thessaloniki, Greece

T +30 2310 282829

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