Foreign & Security Policy

The Foreign and Security Policy Programme contributes to the development of convincing alternatives to the dominant but deadlocked approach of realism in international practice, focusing on the narratives of feminist and green foreign policy through data collection and analysis guided by diplomatic practice, critical theory and international relations theory.


Feminist Foreign Policy

A wealth of material from around the world, describing the various aspects of one of the most debated foreign policy narratives of our time

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EU statecraft in the age of permacrisis

EU statecraft in the age of permacrisis

The purpose of this working paper is twofold. First, to suggest and examine how the EU can enhance its security and its global role, without diverting its focus to the remilitarization of European politics. Second, to examine how, in the age of permacrisis, deliberative and discursive processes should be at the heart of EU public diplomacy.
Green foreign policy snapshots

Green Foreign Policy Snapshots

Green foreign policy, lacking an agreed upon definition, is often misquoted and misinterpreted, narrowed down to only protecting the natural environment. In this preliminary study conducted in 2022, we attempted to see beyond scattered political opinion by analysing data. Partial or complete, a green foreign policy doctrine may be an eventuality based on these initial findings.
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