Feminist Migration Policy

As Heinrich Böll Foundation we are committed to gender democracy. Within our regional programme on migration we seek to enhance capacities and resilience to growing pressure and criminalisation of refugees, migrants and host communities as well as civil society throughout the region. As a feminist political foundation, we acknowledge the fact that gender matters and while people on the move face discrimination in Europe structurally, women and LGBTIQ+ in addition are confronted with discrimination based on gender and/or sexuality. Feminism aims at dismantling oppressive and discriminatory power structures, which currently are very much defining EU migration policies. While Feminist Foreign Policy is already somewhat established as a concept with a number of EU Member States having commited to putting human security at the core of their foreign policy, feminist migration policy is not yet much on the radar. In light of the lack of a functioning EU migration policy respecting human rights and valuing the experiences and needs of people on the move, especially of the most vulnerable and marginalised among them, the intersection of feminism and migration seems to be more relevant than ever. This dossier collects various forms of contributions at this specific intersection and thereby aims to present alternatives to current policies and discourses.



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Intersectionality and refugee women

Intersectionality and refugee women

This contribution sheds an intersectional feminist perspective on the European Commission’s (EC) New Pact on Migration and Asylum by critically examining some of the gendered and racialized notions about migrants embedded in and institutionalized through the Pact.
Guide for LGBTI+ refugees

Guide for LGBTI+ refugees on experiences with safe third country

This guide for LGBTI+ refugees who have applied for asylum in Turkey and hope for resettlement into another country, provides tips on resettlement including testimonies from people who relocated to Switzerland, USA, Spain and Australia. Prepared by HEVI LGBTI+ Association, realized with the support of Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation.
Practicing FFP cover

Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday: A Toolkit

Feminist foreign policy is emerging as a new paradigm in international relations. The concept raises expectations of a more peaceful and just foreign policy, but its theoretical dimension and practical implementation are often not clearly defined. This toolkit, published in November 2021 by IFFF and Heinrich Böll Stiftung, tries to close this gap and clarify key terms of feminist foreign policy, as well as outline the practical application of the feminist approach to international diplomacy, to security, environmental, development, trade and migration policy.
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Photo exhibition

“1000 Dreams” is a photographic and storytelling project entirely authored by people with a refugee background across Europe. We as Heinrich Böll Foundation had the honour and pleasure of exhibiting a selection of these portraits and stories coming from the LGBTQI+ community for five days in Thessaloniki (June-July 2022) as part of our 'Re-act! Ideas in Motion' activities. The exhibition offered a look into a reality, which many people on the move have to face and which is often overlooked: being LGBTQI+ and displaced can be a double stigma and people sometimes must have incredible strength and resilience.