Practicing FFP cover

Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday: A Toolkit

“The Toolkit presented here is not a collection of legal frameworks or policy instruments, nor is it a set of specific recommendations on how to facilitate legal change or how to write a policy proposal. Rather, it serves to inspire the creation of feminist inspired policy-making that can be filled by a variety of voices, experiences and actors. This does not mean that we are presenting a hollow shell, instead it is our aim to bring forward a value-based framework to change mindsets and enable a feminist approach to foreign policy that works to support different contexts. Our toolkit begins by outlining five core values that function as a guide instead of prescribing a feminist foreign policy. It then reviews relevant policy fields and presents a framework on how the proposed core values can be implemented. Finally, it provides a set of practical guiding questions – what we propose as a checklist for all foreign policy actors – that can be used to frame and assist in everyday practices of policy and decision making.”

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2021
Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit Deutschland
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents
  • Glossary 3
  • List of Abbreviations 3
  1. A Feminist Vision, Background and Approach 4
  2. From Definitions to Values – An Inclusive and Context Driven Approach 6
    1. Intersectionality 7
    2. Empathetic Reflexivity 7
    3. Substantive Representation and Participation 8
    4. Accountability 8
    5. Active Peace Commitment 8
    • A Work in Progress: Moving Feminist Foreign Policy Forward 9
  1. What Does This Mean for Different Fields of Foreign Policy? 10
    1. Feminist Diplomacy in Practice 10
    2. Feminist Global Security in Practice 11
    3. Environment and Climate Justice in Practice 13
    4. Feminist Development Cooperation in Practice 14
    5. Feminist Trade Policy in Practice 15
    6. Feminist Migration Policy in Practice 16
  2. Guiding Questions for Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday 18