
Through its regional European Migration Policy Programme, the Heinrich Böll Foundation Office Thessaloniki monitors the developments on the ground and advocates for human rights-based migration policies throughout Europe and its Mediterranean neighbors. In times of growing pressure against people on the move and solidary civil society, we insist on building the resilience of all relevant stakeholders through networking opportunities and the creation of cross-border synergies, as well as by strengthening their voices within EU decision-making procedures.

International congress

Shipwrecked. Rethinking migration and asylum in Europe

24-25 June 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece

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In defence of defenders Italian

In difesa dei Difensori

This publication is a practical guide created by the Border Violence Monitoring Network and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office, in order to support human rights defenders by showing them mechanisms and avenues for help and self-defence in cases of criminalisation – something that is unfortunately becoming increasingly common in Europe and especially in areas receiving refugees and migrants. After English, Greek and BHS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian), it is now also published in Italian by our Paris Office, including a section specifically on the reality in Italy.
In defence of defenders

In defence of defenders

Migration as well as supporting people in flight is increasingly treated as a criminal act in Europe. This toolkit, created by Border Violence Monitoring Network and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Thessaloniki, seeks to support affected Human Rights Defenders by showing them mechanisms and avenues for help and self-defence in cases of criminalisation at various levels.