Urban–rural divide

Decoding a multilevel gap

The over-concentration of population, power, resources and opportunities in large cities is a characteristic feature of Greece, which creates a clear and multilevel gap between urban and rural areas. The prolonged economic crisis and the demographic problem have put the sustainability and long-term prospects of the Greek countryside at risk. With this special dossier, the Heinrich Böll Foundation is launching a public debate on this overlooked issue, addressing it in all its complexity and presenting not only the problems but also best practices that can serve as an example for Greek cities and regions.

ჰაინრიჰ ბიოლის ფონდის თბილისის ოფისი - სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონი, ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტთან და საბჭოთა წარსულის კვლევის ლაბორატორიასთან ერთად ატარებს სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონულ კონფერენციას მეხსიერების პოლიტიკაზე.

ჰაინრიჰ ბიოლის ფონდი, თავის პარტნიორებთან ერთად, ხელს უწყობს კვლევასა და დისკუსიას მეხსიერების პოლიტიკის სხვადასხვა საკითხზე, რათა თავისი წვლილი შეიტანოს  საბჭოთა და პოსტ-საბჭოთა წარსულის გააზრების საქმეში და მხარი დაუჭიროს სამხრეთ კავკასიის ქვეყნების დემოკრატიულ განვითარებას. 

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Agenda 2020 in Russian

Drawing by Yorgos Konstantinou, created especially for the dossier ‘Urban–rural divide’

Rethink! Ideas Forum #3 Dealing with the urban-rural divide - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki

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Speakers: Byron Kotzamanis, Demographer & Professor of Demography at the Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly; Sevdalina Nenkova, Director of Directorate ‘Education and Social services’, Municipality of Gabrovo (Bulgaria); Alexandros Pazaitis, Researcher, Tallinn University of Technology & member of P2P Lab; Carolina Perpiñá Castillo, Territorial and Geospatial Analyst, Joint Research Centre (European Commission).

რატომ არის მნიშვნელოვანი მეხსიერების პოლიტიკა? დღე I (2019)

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საბჭოთა წარსულის გადააზრება მეხსიერების სწავლებაში, დღე II (2019)

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Drawing by Yorgos Konstantinou, created especially for the dossier ‘Urban–rural divide’

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Three publications of the Heinrich Böll Foundation shed light on different aspects of the issues raised by the urban-rural divide

Το στεγαστικό παράδοξο Δήμος Νάουσας

The housing paradox in small Greek municipalities

This study, a collaboration between the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office - Greece and the HARTA research group, investigates issues related to housing and among other things brings to light the overlooked issue of homelessness in small towns.
Σαμοθράκη συμμετοχικός σχεδιασμός

Handbook on participatory planning for small islands

This publication presents a project that was implemented in Samothrace (January-December 2021), in order to contribute to the democratic activation of the local community and to support the co-planning of a proposal for the island's future.
Feminist perspectives urbanisation

Feminist perspectives on gender-just and sustainable urban development

Urbanisation is a defining characteristic of life across the globe in the 21st century. Cities, in particular megacities and metropolises, offer many opportunities for different types of people to forge a livelihood and lead a fulfilling social life. The diverse options are taken up in particular by women and people who renounce traditional, binary gender roles and norms and are thus often subject to various kinds of discrimination.