Cover page alternative narratives

Composing Visionary Narrations for the Social-Ecological Transformation

Social Solidarity Economy and Commons. Degrowth and Universal Basic Income

The digital volume titled “Composing Visionary Narrations for the Social-Ecological Transformation” compiles the edited versions of the presentations given by the participants during two workshops. These workshops were co-organized by the Greek office of Heinrich Böll Institute in Thessaloniki and the Transdisciplinary Institute for Environmental and Social Studies [TIESS] in Thessaloniki. The workshops focused on the topics of Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons, as well as Degrowth and the Universal Basic Income.

The two workshops had a specific purpose to examine in depth certain ideas and theories that are often overlooked or perceived as radical. The goal of the workshops was to bring together various scientific fields to showcase theories and practices that encourage the creation of a new social imaginary and a new anthropological type. This perspective is based on the values of individual and collective freedom, environmental sustainability, and justice in terms of gender, social status, and age.

The workshops titled “Composing visionary narrations for the social-ecological transformation” were held in Thessaloniki in April and May 2019. The articles in this volume are edited versions of the speeches delivered during the workshops. The writers were given a series of questions beforehand, and each section of the book begins with a quote of those questions. The writers aimed to address those questions in their speeches.


Language: Greek

Product details
Date of Publication
December 2019
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Thessaloniki
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

Μέρος Α: ΚΑΛΟ και Κοινά. Κοινοί τόποι και αποκλίσεις. Όρια και δυνατότητες 
A.1. Ψηφιακά κοινά, ομότιμη παράγωγη και κοσμοτοπικισμός: προς μία μετακαπιταλιστική οικονομία – Βασίλης Κωστάκης
A.2. ΚΑΛΟ και κοινωνικο-οικολογικός μετασχηματισμός – Σοφία Αδάμ
A.3. Η έλλειψη του πολιτικού στα κοινά και η μετα-ηγεμονική στρατηγική του κοινωνικού μετασχηματισμού: μαθαίνοντας από τα κινήματα – Αλέξανδρος Κιουπκιολής
A.4. Η έμφυλη διάσταση στην ΚΑΛΟ και τα Κοινά – Ομάδα Εργασίας για το φύλο
Μέρος Β: Αποανάπτυξη και βασικό καθολικό εισόδημα 
B.1. Το πανόραμα της αποανάπτυξης – Πάνος Πετρίδης
B.2. Άνευ Όρων Βασικό Εισόδημα. Δικαίωμα στην ελευθερία, στην ευτυχία και στην ευημερία. Ένα εργαλείο για έναν καλύτερο κόσμο – Χριστίνα Παπαδοπούλου
B.3. Αποανάπτυξη και Καθολικό Βοήθημα Αυτονομίας – Vincent Liegey