Χάνοντας χρόνο zine cover

Losing time – The zine

Based on a podcast

In the beginning, there was a podcast series called “Losing Time - One Week Before the Future of Labour”. It was an annual series comprising four episodes that explored the concepts of time, labour, and their connections. Corresponding to a different day of the week each time, the program delved into topics such as the personalisation of time, our perception of time, and different ways of dealing with - and assessing - time, labour, and life.

This publication was created to complement and expand the podcast series “Losing Time” with words, colors, and pictures. It is a collection of podcast tiles, digital diaries written by the audience, and materials from two workshops that took place in Athens and Thessaloniki in Spring 2023. During these workshops, our podcast friends gathered to experiment, reflect, and capture their impressions in small handmade zines. This publication is a creative rephrasing of all that material, inevitably condensed in length and in fewer copies. We hope that this issue conveys the inquiries and ideas of our co-creators and accompanies you while listening to “Losing Time”. Or, if you prefer, let it be an opportunity to waste some more time together.


Creative Team: Maro Pantazidou, Paris Selinas
Design and Art Direction: Studio Juniper


Language: Greek

Product details
Date of Publication
October 2023
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Thessaloniki
Number of Pages
Language of publication