Social Solidarity Economy

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audio and video content
Dock Toolkit 1

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Social Value

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Dock Toolkit 3

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Strategy

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Dock Toolkit 2

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Economic sustainability

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Σαμοθράκη συμμετοχικός σχεδιασμός

Handbook on participatory planning for small islands

This publication presents a project that was implemented in Samothrace (January-December 2021), in order to contribute to the democratic activation of the local community and to support the co-planning of a proposal for the island's future.
Συμμετοχικός Δημοτικός Προϋπολογισμός εξώφυλλο νέο

Participatory Municipal Budget

A collective study that includes basic concepts on the subject, presentation of international and Greek experience, information on the institutional framework, tips etc.
Συνεταιριστική νομοθεσία εξώφυλλο

The Greek cooperative law. From fragmentation to unification

This publication analyses and compares the provisions of each law for the different categories of cooperatives and presents certain proposals for a new legal framework aimed at unifying Greek cooperative law, as urgently recommended by international and European Organisations and Cooperative Associations.

The legal framework of Social Solidarity Economy in Greece

What processes led to the formation of the new institutional framework for the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Greece? What did stakeholders and collectives say during the public consultation process? What is finally in place today? What failures can be identified in the law? Is there room for the co-design of public policies for SSE in Greece?
Διερευνώντας τη συνεργατική κατοικία στην Ελλάδα

Looking into the cooperative residence in Greece

What are the cooperative residences? What is collective ownership? How do these ideas address our current housing problems? How can we initiate such a project in Greece? What are the challenges and what resources are available? What are the examples from other countries that could inspire us? These are some of the questions that this collection of information material, guides, and inquiries about housing cooperation in Greece aim to answer.