Losing time
A project for our time, our jobs and the future of labour
The social perception of time is a construct formed over the course of past centuries that was mainly based on the needs of capitalist, commodified labour. Work and non-work time were radically and violently separated, which had an important impact on our psychology and our very existence

Season 1: Losing time - A week before the future of labour
Maro Pantazidou’s and Paris Selina’s podcast series “Losing time” includes 4 episodes, each dedicated to a moment of the week, and it deals with different aspects of this pivotal subject that determines our lives in so many different ways (language: Greek)

Losing time: A week before the future of labour #2 Thursday midnight
PODCAST Who is taking care of the city on a Thursday at midnight? In this second episode, the economy of the night is opening a door in time, not as an individual resource but as a relationship, both with people we know and with strangers.

Losing time: A week before the future of labour #3 Saturday noon
PODCAST The third episode starts off with the angst of “having a good time on the weekend” and ends up wondering what it would mean to have truly free time and how it would be to conceive of time as a continuum.

Losing time: A week before the future of labour #4 Sunday afternoon
PODCAST The fourth and final episode opens with the Sunday blues, asking how we can turn time towards new directions and what all these mean for a collective future with less labour.

Season 2: Losing time - Three time experiences
In the second season of "Losing Time" Maro Pantazidou and Paris Selinas deal with three aspects of work today, in order to ask how we want to share our time tomorrow. Seasonal work, care work and education are approached as three mirrors of contemporary work but also as vehicles for possible time transformations (language: Greek)

Losing time, interim episode #The time thing
PODCAST This interim episode summarizes and extends the first season of "Losing Time", as it is made up of the listeners' answers to the questions posed in those four episodes. Confessions, testimonies and reflections make up the field to ask: "And if time is not money, then what is it?"

Losing time, season two #1 Seasons and seasonal work
PODCAST In the first episode we circle around seasonal work. What's it like to work seasonally in the Greece of hyper-tourism? Which seasonal jobs are less prominent? Did we used to work more or less?

Losing time, season two #2 Collective health
PODCAST In the second episode we visit a hospital and then a small rescue aircraft to see what form the time of the caregivers takes. But at what cost? Who cares for those who care?

Losing time, season two #3 Diverse knowledge
PODCAST In the third and final episode we talk to academics and university workers and ask how we can connect theory with practice, experimentation with reflection, intellectual with manual work.
These writers’ articles shed more light on the matters of time and labour, and we can find extra information, food for thought, and a rich list of references