Social Solidarity Economy

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Pathways out of the Crisis

PUBLICATION (available only in Greek)
The present publication comes to highlight the ecosystem of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) through the eyes of the people involved in the projects. It is based on the so far unique nationwide research on SSE initiatives, conducted in 2016 and 2017. Although at first glance this publication may seem out of place in 2021, we believe that it can provide a benchmark for both the present and the future of SSE, a field that is flourishing under diverse and volatile circumstances.
Συνεταιριστική νομοθεσία εξώφυλλο

The Greek cooperative law. From fragmentation to unification

This publication analyses and compares the provisions of each law for the different categories of cooperatives and presents certain proposals for a new legal framework aimed at unifying Greek cooperative law, as urgently recommended by international and European Organisations and Cooperative Associations.