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audio and video content
Who guards the guards cover

Who guards the guards?

This legal opinion written by the non-profit organization front-LEX elaborates on the accountability of Frontex under EU law for ongoing violations of the fundamental rights of asylum seekers, committed in relation to its activities in Greek waters.
Guide for LGBTI+ refugees

Guide for LGBTI+ refugees on experiences with safe third country

This guide for LGBTI+ refugees who have applied for asylum in Turkey and hope for resettlement into another country, provides tips on resettlement including testimonies from people who relocated to Switzerland, USA, Spain and Australia. Prepared by HEVI LGBTI+ Association, realized with the support of Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation.
Intersectionality and refugee women

Intersectionality and refugee women

This contribution sheds an intersectional feminist perspective on the European Commission’s (EC) New Pact on Migration and Asylum by critically examining some of the gendered and racialized notions about migrants embedded in and institutionalized through the Pact.

U odbranu branitelja i braniteljica

Our publication "In defence of defenders", authored by Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN),  is a practical guide that aims to support human rights defenders and provide practical solutions to the increasing targeting of them. After English and Greek, this useful toolkit is now also available in BCS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian), covering a large part of the Western Balkans and people active in the region.