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Διερευνώντας τη συνεργατική κατοικία στην Ελλάδα

Looking into the cooperative residence in Greece

What are the cooperative residences? What is collective ownership? How do these ideas address our current housing problems? How can we initiate such a project in Greece? What are the challenges and what resources are available? What are the examples from other countries that could inspire us? These are some of the questions that this collection of information material, guides, and inquiries about housing cooperation in Greece aim to answer. 
Το στεγαστικό παράδοξο Δήμος Νάουσας

The housing paradox in small Greek municipalities

This study, a collaboration between the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office - Greece and the HARTA research group, investigates issues related to housing and among other things brings to light the overlooked issue of homelessness in small towns.