Energy Policy

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Cover of Energy Poverty 2.0 policy paper in English

Energy poverty in Greece 2.0

Millions of households in EU countries live in energy poverty. This phenomenon has adverse effects on both their health and their well-being, while also affecting social cohesion and the environment. The current publication is an update of the Heinrich Boell Foundation study published in 2017, it includes the impact of the latest political developments in Greece and the rest of Europe, as well as the results of an opinion poll on Greek citizens' awareness of the issue.
cover page Bulidng Energy Communities

Building Energy Communities

Law 4513/2018 aspires to combine Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and the energy sector and introduces a new type of civil cooperative of exclusive purpose, the Energy Community (EC). ECs constitute an important  tool  for achieving fair energy transition in the country.  This guide clarifies the framework in which ECs operate, their role in a fair energy transition while providing both theoretical and practical information for their development.