Social Solidarity Economy

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audio and video content
Χάνοντας χρόνο zine cover

Losing time – The zine

This is a small handmade publication, a zine, that frames and expands through words, colours and images the podcast series "Losing Time", about time, work and their entanglements. It is a mosaic composed of extracts from the podcasts, texts written in digital notebooks by listeners and material created in the context of two workshops in Athens and Thessaloniki in the spring of 2023. This publication is a creative reformulation of all the above material.
Dock Toolkit 3

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Strategy

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Dock Toolkit 2

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Economic sustainability

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Dock Toolkit 1

Business sustainability tools in SSE: Social Value

This valuable business tool helps social solidarity economy initiatives in a simple and analytical way to understand their values and their position in the market, to realise their problems, to evaluate their situation and to plan their prospects. This practical guide includes three volumes: 1. on social value, 2. on economic sustainability and 3. on the strategy of an initiative.
Participatory design cover

Participatory design: City, environment and climate change

This edited volume is a document of the conference of the same name organised by the Commonspace workers’ cooperative in November 2021 – one of the first focusing on participatory design. It contains the invited speakers’ and others’ contributions, and its six chapters reflect the contemporary debate on Participatory Design processes in different fields and scales, both in Greece and abroad.