Panos Hatziprokopiou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, with the subject "Urban Space: restructuring and migration flows". He studied Economics at the University of Macedonia, Sociology at the University of Essex and Human Geography at the University of Sussex. He has previously worked as a researcher at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), the Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM) at the University of Surrey and the Social Policy Research Centre at Middlesex University. His research interests focus on migration, processes of settlement, habitation and socio-economic integration of migrant populations in urban settings, as well as on issues of urban social geography related to diversity and inequalities in urban space, spatial practices and urban transformations. He has published one monograph and more than 50 scientific papers in journals and edited volumes. She teaches courses in anthropogeography and urban sociology, with a focus on human commuting and housing, as well as research methodology.