What is the value of self-management as an idea and practice? Members of active initiatives from the field and the wider scientifc community will meet at Rapsani, 31st of August and 1-2 of September to explore in common the dynamics and challenges of self-management in different fields of activity (health, education, work, social inclusion, sports, primary production, fair trade).

Self-management as an idea and practice has been inspiring a lot of people for a long time eager to meet their own and wider social needs with their own means based on democract and horizontality. Practices of self-management can be found in many areas of activity thoughout the decades in many parts of Europe.
Today in Greece, a new wave of cooperativism and solidarity emerging within the context of the crisis, reinvigorates the idea and practice of self-management through the development of initiatives in various fields of activity such as health, education, work, social inclusion, sports, primary production and fair trade.
Members of these initiatives and the wider scientific community will meet with the intention to exchange ideas and experiences and to explore synergies with other similar ideas and practices such as community economic development, localization, degrowth and self/mutual help.
Heinrich Boell Stiftung Greece participates and supports this new opportunity for a fruitful exchange of ideas with the intention to promote dialogue and the co-construction of common values.
Co-organized by the Self-help Promoting Program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Rapsani hostel and Heinrich Boell Stiftung Greece.
Participation is open to all interested parties.
You can register here
For more information, click here
Contact details:
Fragiadakis Kostas, tel: 2310500477, 6980358121
Barda Elena, tel: 2310500447, 6979014661
Roumelioti Ersi (Rapsani), tel: 2495061191, 6981908700