Berlin, Dublin, Thessaloniki, Re:publica is here! Data is becoming a fundamental infrastructure because it enables transparency, accountability, public services, business innovation and civil society. How do we connect the dots? What is the particular importance of open data and what does an integral strategy of open data consist of when aiming at an increased citizen's participation?
Re:publica 2017 took place at the the port of Thessaloniki, on 11-13 September. Heinrich Boell Foundation Greece participated with two separate events on Open Data, on Tuesday 12 September:
- Social Entrepreneurship: How can Open Data enhance social innovation
12.09.2017, 12:30 pm, Thessaloniki Cinema Museum (Stage 2)
Despite the fact that data-driven intelligence has been used successfully to address business problems, it has not yet revealed its full potential in helping solve social problems. On the one hand, social problems are far more complex due to the plethora of stakeholders: with cooperation often limited coupled with a lack of data resources and knowledge. On the other hand, social entrepreneurship and innovation stumble upon a substantial barrier of shortage and immaturity characterizing current data infrastructures. In particular, any given data infrastructure consists of data assets (e.g. open data and standards) and their operating organisations. Trustworthy data infrastructure needs to be sustainably funded and has an oversight providing direction in order to maximise data use and value by meeting the needs of the society. Data assets in our data infrastructure can be found in the closed, shared or open parts of the data spectrum.
During the event, we discussed examples and ideas on which data infrastructures are important and on how they can help bolster social initiatives to grow in unpreceded ways.
Keynote speaker:
Michalis Vafopoulos, researcher at the Software & Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (SKEL) of the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of the National Center of Scientific Research «Demokritos» , Board Member of GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance.
Watch the event here (subtitled for the hearing impaired):
Ανοικτά Δεδομένα και Κοινωνική Επιχειρηματικότητα (EL, EN SUBS) - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki
Watch on YouTube- Open Data in Smart Cities - Enabling Citizens' Participation
12.09.2017, 15:00 pm, Thessaloniki Cinema Museum (Stage 2)
Nowadays more countries recognize the importance of open data in reinforcing participation of citizens in decision-making in matters of interest to them, in reinforcing entrepreneurship, implementing plans and services for the common good, as well as tackling urban challenges. More and more cities gradually adopt policies and strategies of open data – among which the Municipality of Thessaloniki, daring its first steps on the field.
Apostolos Kritikos - Open Data Registered Trainer, Open Data Institute
Lina Liakou - Deputy Mayor in Urban Resilience
Charalambos Bratsas - CEO, Open Knowledge Foundation
Watch the event here (subtitled for the hearing impaired):
Ανοικτά Δεδομένα σε Έξυπνες Πόλεις - Ενισχύοντας τη Συμμετοχή των Πολιτών (EL, EN SUBS) - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki
Watch on YouTubeFollow the events on facebook here and here. The venue of both events was accessible to people with disabilities (learn more here).