EU Green Deal and the Greek Green Deal - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki

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EU Green Deal and the Greek Green Deal

The European Green Deal, the EU's climate neutrality strategy for 2050, has been criticised for its weaknesses in terms of its social objectives. On the other hand, it represents an opportunity for a substantial shift to a new production-consumption model. Adaptation to the national and local context and the social dimension of any green change is a prerequisite for successful implementation of the individual parts of the EU Green Deal. What would a Green Deal specifically for Greece look like? And how could it be put into practice so that all could benefit? The Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece and the social cooperative enterprise Anemos Renewal organised the online event "EU Green Deal and the Greek Green Deal", on Monday 20th of December, 14:00-17:00 CET. The event was supported by the European Parliament Office in Greece.