Συζητάμε για την αγορά ενέργειας και την ενεργειακή κρίση, με απλά λόγια. - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki

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"Discussing the energy market and the energy crisis in simple terms. How can consumers be protected?"

Online event

14 April 2022


A comprehensive and informative presentation of the electricity market, which exposes the problems and their causes but also proceeds to formulate solutions and proposals.


Co-organised by: INZEB and Electra Energy coop in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Thessaloniki Office - Greece and the Consumers' Association - Quality of Life (EKPOIZO) in the framework of the Energy Democracy Dialogues initiative.



Dimitris Kardomateas, energy consultant and former General Manager of Strategy & Development of DESFA

Panagiota Kalapotharakou, President of EKPIZO 

Vicky Tzega, legal advisor of EKPIZO

Dimitris Kitsikopoulos, Electra Energy Coop

Alice Corovessi, Director General of INZEB

Ignacio Navarro, Greenpeace Greece

Kyriaki Metaxa, programe manager at the Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece


Michalis Goudis, director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation


Yannis-Orestis Papadimitriou, journalist Manifold