Bridges #1: "Forced to flee - but where to? Europe, Greece and those displaced from Afghanistan" - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki
Watch on YouTubeBridges - Encounters on Migration and Asylum in Europe #1 Forced to flee - but where to? Europe, Greece and those displaced from Afghanistan
"Bridges" is a about bringing together different people on relevant questions on migration and asylum in Europe. "Bridges" thereby seeks to connect people who's paths would not necessarily cross otherwise and thereby create a conversation on timely topics of mutual interest.
In our first "Bridges" session we focus on the situation of Afghan people after the violent seizure of power of the Taliban in Afghanistan and ask whether and how Europe can and will provide protection for those who are forced to flee. Human Rights Activist Parwana Amiri, author of the recently published book "My pen won't break bur borders will", who fled to Greece with her Family in 2019 and since is residing in refugee camps, first in Moria on Lesbos and now in Camp Ritsona talks about her experiences as an Afghan refugee in Europe and expresses the fears and struggles of both, those who are still in the country as well as those who fled in search for protection. Stelios Kouloglou, is a Greek Member of European Parliament and of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on behalf of Syriza since 2015 and in this capacity works on issues of migration and asylum in Europe and Human Rights in particular.