Issues related to cooperative law and applicable public policies will be addressed from 8 to 13 November 2021 by the online Autumn School «Ε-Συν.Νο.Δ.Ο.Σ» (Greek abbreviation for Training in Cooperative Legislation, Law, Organization and Cooperation).

The Autumn School will focus mainly on the need to harmonize and unify the fragmented Greek cooperative legislation. Furthermore, it will highlight socially innovative public policies at the local government level and the potential for their implementation in Greece.
The program consists of six modules-sessions:
1. Municipalism and enabling public policies at the level of local authorities
2. International and national good practices of Public Policies
3. Socially responsible public procurement and programmatic agreements at the local level
4. Harmonization and unification of cooperative legislation: problems, challenges and good practices from the European South
5. Problems of fragmented cooperative legislation in Greece
6. Proposal for a model framework law on cooperatives in Greece and its corresponding explanatory memorandum.
This action targets:
• students in relevant scientific fields in Greece,
• cooperatives, Social Solidarity Economy initiatives and their networks in Greece,
• policy makers, officers and employees in local and regional authorities in Greece.
All sessions will take place from Monday 8 November to Saturday 13 November 2021 in the evening hours 19:00-20:30, except for the Saturday session which will take place in the morning 10:00-11:30. The working language is Greek, with simultaneous interpretation during presentations in English. Participation is free of charge, but registering in advance is required until Saturday 6 November 2021. Due to technical constraints, up to 100 participants will be selected based on their relevance to the thematic sessions.
The Autumn School is co-organized by:
• IUS Cooperativum - A Community of Co-operative Lawyers
• the Panhellenic Association of Students and Graduates of the Postgraduate Programme "Social and Solidarity Economy" of Hellenic Open University
in collaboration with Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office - Greece and
with the support of:
• the Department of Social Policy, Democritus University of Thrace
• the M.Sc. Social and Solidarity Economy of Hellenic Open University
• the association Educational Platform for SSE //
• members of the Observatory of Legal Developments on Cooperatives and Social Solidarity Economy.