Based on the current techno-economic data, the exploitable lignite reserves in the country total approximately 3.2 billion tons. The main deposits are located in:
- Western Macedonia (Ptolemaida, Amynteo and Florina) with estimated reserves of 1.5 billion tons;
- the Peloponnese (Megalopoli), with reserves around 150 million tons;
- Drama, with reserves of 900 million tons;
- Elassona, with 170 million tons
Of these deposits, the ones in Drama and Elassona remain unexploited.
Based on the total exploitable lignite reserves in the country and the planned future consumption rate, it is estimated that the reserves will last for over 45 years. The amounts of lignite mined to date represent approximately 29% of the total reserves. The total annual lignite extraction peaked in 2004 at 72 million tons, before dropping to 54 million tons in 2013. In terms of lignite production, Greece ranks seventh worldwide and third in the EU (after Germany and Poland).
Greek lignite is of low quality overall. Its calorific value ranges from 975 to 1380 kcal/kg in Megalopoli, Amynteo and Drama, from 1261 to 1615 kcal/kg in Ptolemaida, and from 1927 to 2257 kcal/kg in Florina and Elassona.