Seminar Planning Transition to Energy Efficient Cities - Energy Efficiency on local level
11-12/06/15, Technopolis, Athens
Two day seminar on Planning Transition to Energy Efficient Cities - Energy Efficiency on local level is organised on 11 and 12 June 2015, at Texhnopolis, Athens by the Greek Green Cities Network in collaboration with Technopolis, City of Athens, Wind of Renewal and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Greece.
The seminar is addressed to elected - civil staff, managers and staff of municipalities especially from the departments of programming, energy-climate, urban planning and construction as well as representatives of civil society, unemployed and staff related businesses.
Objectives of the seminar are:
- To bridge the gap between the needs of municipalities and the skills of political and administrative staff in energy saving,
- The support of implementing action plans energy efficiency,
- The strengthening of the capacity of workers in local government through the promotion of co-operation and networking,
- The provision of information to citizens and civil society for the benefits and ways to save energy,
- The dissemination of good practices and models from Greece and abroad,
- The support for the creation of local cooperatives for production and energy efficiency and the control of energy by the local communities (community power).
The seminar starts on Thursday 11 June with three sections providing valuable input on important topics relating with planning and implementing energy conservation programs. The first section concerns legislation, policy and funding. The second focuses on the experience earned so far by municipalities on energy efficiency programs and RES applications through the presentation of examples from local authorities represenatives. In the last section good examples from energy refrufishment and application of RES in municipal buildings, schools, residences and urban space will be presented.
On the second day, Friday 12 June, (hours 09.00 -18.00), four interactive workshops will take place, with the participation of representative of municipalities and of civil society, with a view to strengthening capacities, experiences, information, networking and implementation of pilot projects.
Workshop 1: Energy upgrade of municipal buildings - Sustainable public procurement for energy saving projects
Workshop 2: Energy upgrade of residences with the active participation of municipalities
Workshop 3: Energy upgrade of public space
Workshop 4: Sustainable public procurement for energy upgrade projects in public space
In the afternoon of the same day the findings - results of the workshops will be presented along with suggestions for strengthening the capacities of the municipalities in programms on energy-saving and renewable energy sources.
Up until now, members of the Greek Green Cities Network are the following cities: Kozani (presidency this period), Athens, Thessaloniki, Trikala, Alexandroupoli, Volos, Ioannina, Corfu and Zakynthos.
Wind of Renewal: Tel. +30 2103803959, info@anemosananeosis.gr, www.anemosananeosis.gr
Greek Green Cities Network: Tel. +30 24613-50305, mme@kozanh.gr, dhmos@kozanh.gr, www.depp.gr
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Greece, Tel. +30 2310282829, info@gr.boell.org, www.gr.boell.org