Setting up a social enterprise Seminars
11, 13, 16/03/2015, Thessaloniki, Oikopolis (Ptolemaion 29A)
The seminar "Setting up a social enterprise" is part of a series of seminars organized by the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki and the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Greece in order to contribute to the development of social economy in Greece through the creation of viable social enterprises. Towards this objective, the Guidebook for the Creation of Social Enterprises, by economist Sophia Adam was recently published, and the first seminar of the series entitled "Developing a social enterprise" was held in December 2014.
The three-day "Setting up a social enterprise" seminar focuses on those who have already set up the founding team and have an idea of the economic activity they would like to develop. Experience shows that the development of a clear business target at the early stages, determines the viability of the whole project to a large extent. Thus the aim of the seminar is to provide valuable information as well as practical tools to the participants and to support them in clarifying their business targets and strategy.