Social Solidarity Economy

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Βιώσιμη αστική ανάπτυξη. Ποιος ο ρόλος των πολιτών;

Sustainable urban development. What role do citizens play?

The Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (SUD strategies) is a major EU project that aims to transform and improve European cities so that they can respond to the various challenges they face. What does the SUD strategies include? How are they developed? What are the specific provisions for the cities of the Region of Central Macedonia? And to what extent have they succeeded in involving citizens?
Διερευνώντας τη συνεργατική κατοικία στην Ελλάδα

Looking into the cooperative residence in Greece

What are the cooperative residences? What is collective ownership? How do these ideas address our current housing problems? How can we initiate such a project in Greece? What are the challenges and what resources are available? What are the examples from other countries that could inspire us? These are some of the questions that this collection of information material, guides, and inquiries about housing cooperation in Greece aim to answer. 
Σαμοθράκη συμμετοχικός σχεδιασμός

Handbook on participatory planning for small islands

This publication presents a project that was implemented in Samothrace (January-December 2021), in order to contribute to the democratic activation of the local community and to support the co-planning of a proposal for the island's future.