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Intersectionality and refugee women

Intersectionality and refugee women

This contribution sheds an intersectional feminist perspective on the European Commission’s (EC) New Pact on Migration and Asylum by critically examining some of the gendered and racialized notions about migrants embedded in and institutionalized through the Pact.

U odbranu branitelja i braniteljica

Our publication "In defence of defenders", authored by Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN),  is a practical guide that aims to support human rights defenders and provide practical solutions to the increasing targeting of them. After English and Greek, this useful toolkit is now also available in BCS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian), covering a large part of the Western Balkans and people active in the region.
Media & Migration e-paper Turkey cover

Media representation of refugees and migrants in Turkey

In this study, a unique monitoring framework combining quantitative and qualitative media content analysis methods has been designed and implemented, in order to illustrate the main representation trends in the reporting of migration-related topics by various media organizations in Turkey.
Access denied

Access denied: Secrecy and the externalisation of EU migration control

For at least three decades, the EU and its Member States have engaged in a process of “externalisation” – a policy agenda by which the EU seeks to prevent migrants and refugees setting foot on EU territory by externalising (that is, outsourcing) border controls to non-EU states. The EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum, published in September 2020, proposed a raft of measures seeking to step up operational cooperation and collaboration in order to further this agenda.
Political party representation

Political party representation of anti-immigration attitudes: The case of Turkey

Immigration policy has become Turkey’s most heated topic of debate. While the country has accepted a massive influx of refugees in the last decade, the issue has become more salient in the last two years due to the electorate’s increasing anti-immigrant sentiment. No picture regarding immigration would be complete without mentioning the rise of anti-immigrant political parties.