Sustainable Energy Youth Network Flyer
Sustainable Energy Youth Network (SEYN) wants to empower young people to actively contribute to the energy transition movement towards a fossil-fuel-free era. SEYN aims to create energy owned by local communities and break the power that has been concentrated in the hands of the few around Europe. Responding to the challenges of climate change, the protection of the environment, the necessity for the reduction of the greenhouse effect and the emissions as well as the preservation of the ecosystems around the world, SEYN members want to transmit this message to the public and motivate young people to build movements for change.
We believe that the Earth has natural limits and the ecological and socio-economic injustice that derives from its’ natural resources exploitation has to stop. The ecosystem degradation, the inexhaustible control over our natural resources, the market oriented production instead of a needs-oriented production and the extraordinary industrial meat production are deteriorating the progress of our society. Since the GDP disparity is rising along with the inequality around the world, we support the sustainable use of nature in order to secure our human rights, decent living standards and respect for future generations. Technologies and sustainable energy power structures can get back to young people’s hands as means of preserving our biodiversity and promoting the societal progress through cooperative models. Through our actions we dream of a better future - transformation is the change!
Sustainable Energy Youth Network - Join today - Sustainable Energy Youth Network SEYN

SEYN supports youth’s skills and networking by increasing their involvement in European energy decision-making processes and provides them the tools and support needed to start their own community energy projects. Through active participation, the exchange of knowledge and specific education SEYN provides space to stimulate youth’s creativity towards concrete action and involvement in the development of renewable energy projects at a community level.
„The Youth Toolkit for Cooperative Energy Development“ provides a broad set of tools in assisting young people to start their own renewable energy projects. You can find the booklet on our website as a pdf manual or you can get your copy during our workshops & presentations.
LEARN PRACTICAL SKILLS - Interested in becoming SEYN trainer or trainee?
Two different Sustainable Energy Youth Academies are planned to take place in 2015 in Solta, Croatia and Sifnos, Greece. The academies will provide space to young people, civil society or local community actors, environmental activists to learn new skills and gain experience within the renewable energy sources. At the SEYN Academies you can gain practical knowledge and know-how on the renewable energy systems by teaching you how to build your own solar, wind, biomass or hydroelectric pοwer, how to engage community members, how to plan the development of community energy projects, to learn how much energy we consume during our everyday activities and many other skills.
– A public space to promote new ideas, educate local and international people
– Quality education and training in renewable energy
– Seminars and workshops to learn practical and useful skills
EDUCATION & TRAINING - Want to join us at the workshops?
Workshops and training programs may run two hours, a half day, a full day, two days, or even more. They may involve small groups or larger ones, they may be public or private within local, national or international organizations.
We will try our best to make your experience rewarding, safe and enjoyable. The key to do this is to push the participant boundaries by giving them the space to think creatively, interact with the world around them and turn theoretical concepts into practical solutions.
The workshop wants to empower young people to take action for the development of clean energy projects. Our aim is the enhancement of youth participation in starting their own energy initiatives in the renewable energy sector and the involvement and encouragement of community participation. SEYN features as an educational networking platform by providing knowledge and development of skills in order to move interested young people to actively engage in energy cooperatives. With the use of the educational materials participants will be encouraged to work in small groups with interactive methods.
Here is an insight of some of our exciting topics:
− European renewable energy – cooperative movement
− Consequences of the current global economy for people, society and ecosystems
− Sustainable resource politics and bioeconomy
− Building of community, power for social change
− European targets after 2020 for energy and climate
− Alternative ways of financing RE projects
I WANT TO JOIN SEYN - Are you interested in becoming more active?
Write to us at info @ seynetwork.eu
You are welcomed to send us questions, comments and suggestions considering our workshops, presentations, website, academies and many more.
SEYN webpage
A web page we are using to communicate, link, develop projects, share ideas and, in short, feel and be part of the renewable energy community in Europe. There you can find different renewable energy cooperative partners, you can exchange ideas and good practices.
We want to keep you informed by posting regularly in SEYN’s Facebook group. You can take that opportunity to engage more and share your pics, news, thoughts and other things that you consider that are relevant and important for our actions.