Photo exhibition on the LGBTQI+ refugee experience & exchange with young activists of Thessaloniki
Being LGBTQ+ and displaced can represent a double stigma. This reality, often overlooked, is what the photographic exhibition we presented in Thessaloniki for a second year in a row tries to explore. It is a selection of 24 images from the wider project ‘1000 dreams’, which gives people with a refugee background the opportunity to present both their portrait and their story. In the lovely premises of ActionAid's Youth Centre, Heinrich Böll Foundation's Migration Programme Assistant, Chrysiis Katsea, spoke about the exhibition and the whole project, stressing that it is important to hear about the experiences and stories of refugees through their own voices, without mediators who may present them either as a threat or as mere victims. For their part, ActionAid members presented their organisation, which fosters the active engagement of young people in city life through employability, arts, and volunteering.