Athina Vitopoulou is an Architect Eng. (AUTH). She holds a DEA in Projet architectural et urbain: théories et dispositifs (Ecoles d'Architecture και Institut Français d'Urbanisme-Université Paris 8), and a PhD in History and Civilisations (EHESS, Paris, «Grand Prix de Thèse sur la Ville 2011»). She is Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, AUTH. Since graduation, she has been active in the fields of Urban Design and Planning and has participated as a team member in urban design and planning projects and architectural competitions. She has developed a reach research, teaching and writing activity on issues related to the theory and practice of urban design and planning, environmental planning, urban policies, land policies, mechanisms and processes of urban space production, urban history and town planning history, institutional framework of spatial planning, protection and enhancement of urban cultural heritage.