Green Room #1 : Ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις και η επανέναρξη των διερευνητικών επαφών - Heinrich Boell Foundation - Office Thessaloniki

Green Room #1 | Greek-Turkish relations and the restart of exploratory talks
An interview by Michalis Goudis, Head of Heinrich Böll Stiftung Office Thessaloniki, with the Political Scientist and International Relations Expert, Theodoros Tsikas. Green Room #1
With the coming exploratory talks in the background, the Green Room of Heinrich Boell Foundation Greece delves into the possibilities of success for these talks, the attempt of Turkey to restore relations with the EU, the improtance of the US presidential elections for the region, the possibility of recourse to the International Court of the Hague, as well as the impact of those talks to the EU foreign policy in the region.
English and Greek captions available.