Ali, arbitrary deadlines
Ali and his family were quickly integrated into Greek society, but their application to the Ministry of Migration for a humanitarian residence permit based on their excellent integration was rejected, because the government passed a law with retroactive effect.
“Ali, arbitrary deadlines” is part of the series “Lost in a legal maze: 10+1 stories of asylum seekers in Europe”. This video series explores – perhaps for the first time – the legal difficulties and the legal pitfalls faced by asylum seekers in Greece and Europe, within a legal system designed to fail them. Eleven people at different stages of the asylum procedure talk to the camera about their own cases, revealing with their testimonies the lack of coherence in asylum policy, the high degree of arbitrariness and a systematic attempt to discourage them.
Produced by Heinrich Böll Stiftung – Thessaloniki Office, in collaboration with Equal Legal Aid and directed by Sideris Nanoudis of HomoLudens Productions.
First screening: 13 May 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
With Greek and English subtitles.