This article sheds light on the European Commission’s Energy Plan and its impact on local ecosystems, biodiversity and local communities.

Climate crisis is a threat to human survival. As its consequences become more severe, so does the danger for the vulnerable social groups to be left out. Therefore, it is imperative to build a new, timely strategy with sustainability as its key pillar to protect the planet, and, at the same time, to provide balanced development and equal opportunities without exclusions. At the end of 2019, Europe presented the European Green Deal
Annex: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/resource.html?uri=cellar:b828d165-1c22-11ea-8…
Following the Green Deal, the European Commission has presented its energy plan
Given that in Greece some groups have already expressed an interest on relevant offshore investments,
In Greece, the case of wind farms, mostly in mountain areas, caused public reactions. They were installed without the necessary discussions and, more importantly, without any substantial benefits for the areas where they were set. This experience showed that the holistic analysis of existing data is important for the energy transition to take place fairly by minimising the environmental impact on the one hand and energy poverty on the other, so that, practically, the citizens become part of the new energy reality and not mere observers.
Given the large coastline of our country, the offshore wind system and the utilisation of wave and tidal energy, wherever they are combined, require special attention and respect. Even if it is not set on land, in a field or grassland, the chain of ecosystems clearly affects the planet and its inhabitants as a whole, in perpetuity.
The scientifically proven optimal location is in any case a crucial issue. It is important to respect completely: a) the Natura sites
The dramatic experience of the pandemic and the role of scientists in it should not be forgotten. The planet's current state would certainly be different if the scientists’ voices were heard on the threat of climatic crisis, starting back in 1896 with the Nobel Prize-winner Svante Arrhenius
At the same time, the case of the environmental association National Audubon Society in USA is indicative. Having a scientific network since 1905, its work is dedicated to the protection of birds and ecosystems. In articles written by Audubon it is stressed that, due to climate crisis, 2/3 of the birds in North America
Furthermore, fishing, tourism, sea travelling, visual nuisances, noise, and electromagnetic fields are matters that can be predicted and dealt
There are notable examples from Europe which are worth studying in order to avoid mistakes or omissions and gain experience. The case of an offshore wind farm in Copenhagen is one of them. It is owned partly by the local utility and partly by the energy community “Middelgrundens Vindmøllelaug
It is clear that whichever choice is made for energy production, the goal should be twofold: a) complete access to cheap electricity for everyone, so no one is left without meeting their energy needs, especially in times of crisis like the one experiencing nowadays and b) focus on the target for zero carbon footprint, primarily through resource and energy saving, by promoting the model of solidarity and modest prosperity, in opposition to the current egocentrism and reckless consumerism.
In addition, tackling Greece’s unemployment must be taken into account and, for that reason, incentives for domestic production of mild energy systems should be provided. The energy demands would be covered by utilising local resources and workforce, resulting products focused on domestic needs. In that way, the important field of cyclical, social and solidarity economy can be developed, a system that will respect the environment and operate after considering the sustainable life cycle analysis
'Protecting the natural environment, this common good, is a shared responsibility of all the inhabitants of the earth'
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
In conclusion, utilising the mild forms of energy, while respecting the environment and the human beings, can be an opportunity for real progress. But, in order for that to happen, everyone must understand –at the maximum extend– the importance of preserving the biodiversity without neglecting the needs of all people for decent living conditions. Leaving hydrocarbons behind can be an opportunity not only for the environment, which is already in desperate need, but for our social maturation too, at an international level. It could be achieved by easing tensions, as long as the principles of solidarity, coexistence and cooperation are promoted by the members of the neighbourhood, the village, the municipality, the region and beyond. In that way we could pass, as Makriyannis used to say, from “I” to “We”