The roundtable was co-organized by the Greek Social Entrepreneurship Forum in cooperation with Heinrich Boell Foundation in Greece. 28 persons participated: members of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) enterprises, representatives of informal and formal networks, representatives of institutions and competent authorities, representatives of political parties (Coalition of the Radical Left – Unitary Social Front, New Democracy, Movement for Change) as well as members of the academic and research community.

The roundtable confirmed the wide bipartisan support for the development of Social and Solidarity Economy in Greece. In general, the participants evaluated positively the event according to the assessment and follow-up form. The issues raised were found interesting, the key note speeches were constructive and informative while the coordination of the discussion allowed for all interested participants to express their different views. However, given the number of issues at stake as well as the variety of the contributions made, it was not possible to delve into concrete matters and produce concrete results. Most participants agreed that there is a need for more opportunities of exchange and interaction between bodies of collective representation of SSE enterprises and the competent authorities through the organization of similar events, thematic sessions and open informative sessions in the future.
For more information, please consult the Action Report.