Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) is an alternative paradigm for the organization of economic activities based on democracy, acceptance of diversity and respect for the environment. In this framework, it is important to support the development of SSE enterprises consisting of marginalized persons facing extra challenges in their access to employment.

With the intention to contribute towards this goal, the ERGANI Centre for the Support of Women Employment and Entrepreneurship in partership with Heinrich Boell Stiftung Greece, the Self-Help Promoting Programme of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Network of Social Cooperative Enterprises of Central Macedonia, the Greek Social Entrepreneurship Forum and the Select Respect Forum decided to organize a training seminar for the capacity building of professionals and intercultural mediators in the field of SSE. This training seminar is the first step while awareness actions will follow in order to inform existing SSE enterprises on the code of conduct, the potential benefits and challenges of recruting persons from vulnerable social groups (asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, former addicts, homeless, persons belonging to the Roma community). In addition, the inclusion of intercultural mediators intends to consolidate a pool of engaged community leaders towards the development of sustainable SSE enterprises.
A broad range of thematic areas will be covered including principles of SSE, models of work integration, team building and democratic decision-making, gender and intercutlural dimensions, business model canvas for social enterprises, social marketing, legal framework for work integration social enterprises, etc. The seminar takes place in Thessaloniki from 19/4/2018 until 12/5/2018. There is no participation fee. The selection procedure has been finalized. Out of approximately 60 applications, 30 persons were selected to participate.