This year's 7th Greenwave Festival, returns to the municipal park of YMCA, Thessaloniki from 14 to 17 September with a varied program; with peace as its central theme and interesting events, great concerts, screenings, workshops, events, exhibitions, a huge eco-bazaar, with delicious vegan alternative kitchen etc.
GreenWave Festival is an alternative ecological celebration. It has been οrganized for 7 consecutive years from the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki with the involvement of dozens of organizations, networks, groups in the city. It is being realized thanks to the volunteering of people, who offer their time and energy throughout the festival and with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece. Since 2011 when it was launched, it has been gathering more and more people every September, who cooperate, discuss, communicate, interact and address local, survival, environment, practical problems, independently and freely.
Among the festival’s events, there is a discussion on Thursday 14.9 about the war and the environment, with a focus on the conflicts of interest over water resources control, the destructive mining and fossil fuels extraction, the friction for catches, the production of acid rain, the greenhouse effect and the exhaust emissions seem to have declared war on the planet as a whole, threatening the climate and world peace.
On Friday 15.9 there will be a look back to the political mandates of the peace movement from Aristophanes era up to the present days, the geopolitics of contemporary conflicts will be discussed, the responsibilities of the West and the practices of civil disobedience and forms of non-violent political struggle applied by environmental organizations. Also, there will be a debate on the contribution of women's organizations against militarism and war, and the prevention of gender-based violence through the promotion of a new approach to masculinity.
On Saturday 16.9 a discussion will take place on Nazism, war and the extermination of the "Other", the extermination of the Jews in Thessaloniki, the holocaust of Roma and homosexuals, and the survival of Nazi ideology in our days.
Vegan Thessaloniki group will speak about veganism alternative lifestyle as absolute truth on peace and ecology and there will be a number of screenings and discussions on issues such as social economy.
On Sunday 17.9. Greenwave concludes with training workshops and activities for children in the morning and the well established by now midday concert-feast in the park.
At the same time many more activities will be realised such as exhibitions featuring portraits from Idomeni, comic exhibition created by refugees, previously unknown photographs from Afghanistan and a paintings exhibition. During all four days of the festival workshops for the the creative employment of children, construction of toys from recycling material, will be organised, besides experiential workshops on children's rights and presentations of ecological practices such as natural building and the use of active microorganisms.
The events will be closing every evening with daily concerts of old and newer musical groups.
A colorful and impressive in terms of participations eco-bazaar will take place on site with organic products, such as fruit, vegetables, sauces, honey, drinks and body care products, clothing, accessories, jewelry, small furniture and constructions for the house all with emphasis on the use of clean non-hazardous for our health materials which, in addition are recyclable and do not harm the environment after use.
Throughout the festival an alternative kitchen with lovely vegan dishes and pastries in friendly prices to support financially the festival while the revenues of the festival will be used, like every year, for the realisation of solidarity projects of the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki and the social space Oikopolis.
You can read in detail the full program here.
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